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● 경력
# 로봇 수술 (다빈치) # |
● 관심분야
- 비뇨기 종양 (방광암, 전립선암, 신장암 등), 로봇 수술
- 전립선 비대증
- 요로 결석 (신장결석, 요관결석, 방광결석)
- 요로 감염(신우신염, 방광염, 전립선염)
- 요실금 및 배뇨 장애
- 소아비뇨기 질환 (잠복고환, 음낭수종, 방광요관역류 등)
● 외래진료시간표
월 |
화 |
수 |
목 |
금 |
토 |
오전 |
진료 |
수술 |
진료 |
수술 |
오후 |
진료 |
수술 |
진료 |
수술 |
● 수상경력
- 국내논문 "기초부문" 최우수상 : 2010-2011년도 대한비뇨기과학회지(공식학술지)에 게재한 논문 중 "기초"분야 최우수논문
- Association of Polymorphisms in the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Gene Promoter with Serum PSA Level and PSA Changes after Dutasteride Treatment in Korean Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- 광주기독병원, 조선의대1, 단국의대2
- 박성운, 김철성1, 이길호2
● 저서
- 『요로생식기감염』. 대한요로생식기감염학회 편저. <공저>. 일조각, 2013 ["대한민국학술원에서 선정한 2014년 우수학술도서"]
● 국제인명사전 등재
● 논문목록
- [Review Article] Diagnosis and Notification of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Park SW, Lee GH
Korean J UTII 2012 Oct,7(2):121-128 - [Peer Review] Essay:Tackling Antibiotic Resistance
Park SW, Lee GH
Korean J UTII 2012 Apr;7(1):77-80 - Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Levofloxacin-Resistant E.coli Isolated from Outpatients with Urinary Tract Infection
Jang WH, Yoo DH, Park SW
The Korean Journal of Urology 2011 Aug 52(8):554-559 - [Peer Review] Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Induces Chronic Pelvic Pain
Park SW
Korean J UTII 2011 Apr;6(1):84-95 - Nationwide survey to evaluate the prevalence of varicoceles in South Korean middle school boys: A population based study.
Baek M, Park SW, Moon KH, Chang YS, Jeong HJ, Lee SW, Han SW, Kim YS; The Korean Society of Pediatric Urology.
Int J Urol. 2011 Jan;18(1):55-60 - Association of Polymorphisms in the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Gene Promoter with Serum PSA Level and PSA Changes after Dutasteride Treatment in Korean Men with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Sung Woon Park, Chul Sung Kim, Gilho Lee
The Korean Journal of Urology 2010 Dec 51(12):824-830 - Sarcomatoid Carcinoma in the Urinary Bladder.
Yoo DH, Jang WH, Yim JY, Seo MY, Park SW.
Chonnam Med J. 2010 Aug;46(2):121-124. - Epidemiologic Study of the Prevalence and Awareness of Cryptorchidism, Hydrocele, and Varicocele in Elementary Schools in Gwangju.
Yong Hwang, Seong Woon Park.
The Korean Journal of Urology 2009 Mar 50(3): 278-281. - A Questionnaire Study Concerning Circumcision of Elementary School Boys in the City of Gwangju.
Kyeong Han Kim, Sung Woon Park.
The Korean Journal of Urology 2008 Jun 49(6): 549-555. - Relationship Between Fracture Locations and Lower Urinary Tract Injury.
Dae-Eun Shin, Hyung-Yoon Moon, Sung-Woon Park, Joon Rho
The Medical Journal of Chosun University 2008 33(3):65-70. - Study on the Effects and Safety of Propofol Anesthesia during Cystoscopy.
Ki Seung Kim, Ju Sung Kim, Seong Woon Park.
The Korean Journal of Urology 2006 Nov 47(11): 1230-1235. - A Case of Latzko Partial Colpocleisis for Treating Huge Vesicovaginal Fistula.
Kyeong Han Kim, Yong Hwang, Eun Ju Seo, Ki Seung Kim, Ju Sung Kim, Seong Woon Park.
J Korean Continence Society 2006;10:174-176